Web scripts

Progressed Moon Sabian Symbol is a small webapp computing position of Moon in secondary progressed motion for a given birth date and time. Computed values are: previous, current and future sabian symbol for now, and dates of ingresses. The application stores data in localStorage on browser side so the entered date is persisted between sessions. It is also available as Android application.

Moon Transits is a small application. Its goal is to provide moon transits info for a current date and time. The approach is recognized and you could find a meaning of transits in various places. For example you can found one here. Application stores data in browser localStorage. The computation of loaded horoscope are done using web service outside the application. It is also available as Android one

Contingency table is a web application. The base its functionality is providing Pearson's chi-square tests onto set of user specified data. The data are presented as a table which vertical and horizontal places are used to represent relation between two random variables. The variables are divided onto up to 5 classes or groups. You can read more on this technique at wikipedia description or other one.